Saturday, March 07, 2009

It's Raining

Well, maybe not as much as it did in February of last year, but enough that I feared I wouldn't be able to get out and back in if I did what I had planned today.  So instead, I'm here at home looking at a day of unplanned leisure.  Kind of nice.

This is what I was supposed to do today.  Hoku and I had an agility seminar scheduled.  They are still doing it; we just aren't joining.  At least not today.  We may still go tomorrow.  Good thing the teacher, Andrea Dexter, is from the Seattle area.  A little or a lot of rain isn't going to stop a good north-westerner.  Hoku really does enjoy the agility.  She'd be even better at it if her mom found more time to practice with her.  At least my teacher is there so hopefully she will be able to transfer any tricks that Andrea gives us today to me over the course of the next few weeks.

And in case some of the rest of you are also in the doldrums of rainy, snowy, or whatever winter, here is a bright spot to warm your day.  
I don't remember which vireya this is, but it is a sunny spot in the garden when it is in bloom.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Did you make the seminar on Sunday? It's been a lovely week here, sunny and bright days, full moon nights. Supposed to rain again - on the weekend of course.

Love the bright vireaya.